Grant Writing Pricing

Grant writing is a highly skilled form of technical writing. Prices for these highly skilled services depend on the type and complexity of the grant application. Local grants typically require less time to complete than the more detailed and involved federal grant applications. Thus, grant writing costs vary. However, 62.5% of all grants that Seriation University has written have been funded and for some specific grants our success rate is in the 90%. Imagine what one large discretionary grant, of at least $1 million, could do for your organization this year? Do you have the time and expertise to get this done? Seriation University does. The following is our average cost per type of grant; however, the actual rates are based on the hours required so the costs do vary based on complexity.

  • Local Grants – $4,500
  • State Grants – $6,000
  • Foundation Grants – $6,000
  • Federal Grants – $7,500

Significantly, Seriation University offers a grant writing GUARANTEE. If Seriation University develops a complete grant application that is not funded in the first year it was written, Seriation University will update and revise the grant application for the next two years for FREE.